Geotechnical surveys – who performs them

Badania geotechniczne - kto je wykonuje

Geotechnical surveys – who performs them. When we think about which university to go to, we sometimes have a big dilemma. We often think about going to majors related to, for example, geology. It is quite an interesting field of science, but sometimes we wonder whether, apart from, for example, scientific work at the university, we can find a job after such a course, and in particular one that will be decently paid and will allow us to live peacefully. As it turns out, despite our fears, geology is a very prospective direction and it is worth making an appointment here.

What can we do in the field of geology?

Until recently, geology was treated rather neglected, but the experience of the last dozen or so years and the demand on the labor market for people who graduated in geology have slightly verified the view that studying in such fields as mineral geology, mining geology, reservoir geology whether geotechnics is unprofitable, given the employment prospects. In fact, after geological majors, we can work in many professions. For example, we can perform geotechnical research for building soils, we can perform deposit research for mining companies, search for mineral deposits, we can also work as geodesists, because most often in geological faculties, we will also be dealing with geodesy and cartography. As it turns out, after graduating from geology.

Geotechnical research

One of the greatest demand for people who graduated from geology and related fields concerns specialists in geotechnical soil research. In fact, a great demand for this type of specialists has appeared in the last few years. First of all, because these tests have actually become mandatory. Regardless of how large a construction investment we want to carry out. Just type in the search engine, for example: “who conducts geotechnical research?” to see how many people are looking for companies and specialists, even those who run their own sole proprietorship. There are a lot of people who do such research. One geotechnical survey of a standard construction plot costs about PLN 1,500. From the investor’s point of view, this is not a large expense, but if we take into account, for example.

Geodetic services are also very related services. Here, too, we can look for our chance for a good job and employment. There is as much work in this industry, and even more than in the case of geotechnical soil research. Very often, we can also combine the specialization of a surveyor and cartographer with the specialization of a geotechnician, because if, for example, we perform a geotechnical survey of the ground, then we have to prepare a report later, and the report must always include a detailed map, so if we are both geotechnicians and surveyors, we can provide services both in the field of surveying and in the field of geotechnical soil research.

Deposit geologist and mining geologist

There are also industries that are looking for fewer specialists, but with definitely higher qualifications. These types of industries include deposit geology and mine geology. Reservoir geology and mine geology are really very important fields of the mining industry, both when the extraction of given raw materials is already underway or when new deposits are sought. As for the latter issue, it is particularly important because a good deposit geologist or mine geologist is able to quickly and quite precisely determine whether there are raw materials in a given area and we can pre-assess their resources. If we have extensive experience, we can do it basically without leaving our own office.

Who should study geology?

Of course, if we want to study mining and geology, we should not only be guided by the fact that we will go to a given university to earn a lot of money. It may end up in such a way that we will not finish the given direction, and even if we finish it, we will not be interested in further work in this profession. So it ends only with the fact that we will get a professional title, and in fact there will be no greater benefit for us, even in the form of a profession we are interested in. Of course, this applies to geology, but there is no denying that it applies to basically every type of study we would like to get into, regardless of whether it is the aforementioned geology or, for example, Polish studies.

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